What We Do

We are a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are a tax-deductible investment supporting survivors of abuse.


Courage 365 is not just a support group. We are a movement.

Together, we inspire real change and lift each other up. We believe every person is capable of supporting one another. We are a community of survivors, supporting survivors.


How We Help


Courage Clubs

Courage Clubs are FREE monthly, online peer support groups created and led by survivors, for abuse survivors. Each month we discuss a new topic with helpful tools and resources.


Survivor Support
via Facebook Group

An online support community that connects survivors with others who know what you're going through.


Courage Conversations

A video podcast where we talk about important topics that support survivors and advocates with an emphasis on next steps and healing.


Courage 365 Mission

Courage 365 empowers survivors of abuse to live with courage, every day.


30 Days of Courage Challenge

A 30 day online event with high caliber speakers, selfcare challenges, and virtual support groups that reaches hundreds of survivors and advocates.


Free Trauma Healing Resources

Crisis service index, video workshops, ebooks, trauma reduction cards and text message support that changes lives, one survivor at a time.


Holiday Gifts + Resources

We provide self-care gift packages with free trauma support resources to survivors struggling during the holidays.


There are rarely experiences in life that can be both transformative and cathartic, yet Courage 365 seems to have created this very thing for so many of us.


“Feel like my healing was jump-started and greatly nurtured at The Courage Conference, and I now have the vulnerability, vocabulary, and voice that I need to face these issues in therapy and in my spiritual community.”


“Courage 365 has really changed my view on the abuse I endured...It really made me feel like I can start moving forward with my life and encouraged me to seek out local resources.”